Proyek Pendidikan

Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan untuk masyarakat yang membutuhkan.

A group of people gathered around a person holding a sign with multiple options, such as education and feminism, written on it. The focus is on the interaction and communication among the individuals.
A group of people gathered around a person holding a sign with multiple options, such as education and feminism, written on it. The focus is on the interaction and communication among the individuals.
Pendidikan Anak

Program pendidikan untuk anak-anak di daerah terpencil.

A large mural on a brick wall features a striking black-and-white portrait of a woman surrounded by bold red typography. The words 'Power & Equality' and 'Power to the People' are prominently displayed. Decorative patterns frame the portrait, adding artistic flair to the composition.
A large mural on a brick wall features a striking black-and-white portrait of a woman surrounded by bold red typography. The words 'Power & Equality' and 'Power to the People' are prominently displayed. Decorative patterns frame the portrait, adding artistic flair to the composition.
Pelatihan Guru

Menyediakan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengajaran.

A crowd of people gather at a rally, with several holding signs. A young person with red hair stands in the foreground, looking to the side. The atmosphere is busy with individuals engaging in conversations, some capturing photographs. The signs include messages of empowerment and social justice.
A crowd of people gather at a rally, with several holding signs. A young person with red hair stands in the foreground, looking to the side. The atmosphere is busy with individuals engaging in conversations, some capturing photographs. The signs include messages of empowerment and social justice.
A large group of people, predominantly women, are gathered for a protest or rally. They are holding signs with various messages, many of which focus on women's rights and empowerment. Some participants are wearing purple, a color often associated with feminist movements. The atmosphere is lively and engaged, with a sense of solidarity among the crowd.
A large group of people, predominantly women, are gathered for a protest or rally. They are holding signs with various messages, many of which focus on women's rights and empowerment. Some participants are wearing purple, a color often associated with feminist movements. The atmosphere is lively and engaged, with a sense of solidarity among the crowd.
Bantuan Beasiswa

Memberikan beasiswa kepada siswa berprestasi dari keluarga kurang mampu.

Kelas Keterampilan

Mengadakan kelas keterampilan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal.

Lokasi Pendidikan

Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan layanan pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi masyarakat, mendukung pengembangan akhlak dan keterampilan.


Jl. Pendidikan No. 123


Senin - Jumat